Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day 4

Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for continuing to follow this day by day account. How are you all doing? Good I hope. Blogging is funny, it's so one sided. Talk about the perfect invention for our self absorbed society; we can sit here and talk about ourselves till the cows come home. Ahhh, and I am going to take full advantage of that. But really, I am continually surprised and delighted when I hear than anyone is reading this.

Today was a beautiful day. A truly wonderful day.
Why you might ask? Those of you who live in Victoria know that it was another grey, damp, sunless coastal winter day. It was chilly out. Nothing special happened in town. The circus didn't show up, Madonna didn't make a surprise least not as far as I know.

Well then it must be all the GREEN! So green juice alkalizes our systems. And being alkaline makes us really happy, even euphoric. Now apparently we should naturally be alkaline people, and I guess all be a lot more euphoric. Unfortunately we work very hard filling our bodies with really acidic stuff almost immediately from birth and then to feel good we consume things which give us momentary alkalization and the illusion of balance. Things that make us feel alkalized (but actually create acidity) are: coffee, alcohol, pot, drugs, etc. etc. You know that feeling when you're high and everything suddenly seems more beautiful and just right? Well that's how I felt today. And I haven't had any of those things in my body in almost a year.

The high points of my day were:
-Experiencing no hunger pangs or cravings
-Having steady energy all day
-A feeling of general euphoria
-An uncontrollable urge to dance and sing loudly in public
-The inability to stop smiling
-A juice lunch party with the girls
-A lovely "dinner" with friends where they are yummy raw food and I drank juice
-A nice warm bath after a good cleansing enema (you may say gross, but I say bliss!)

Heather and Stacey and I shot some cute pictures of our juice lunch which I will post just as soon as I figure out where my camera is. Today I saw the other side of going through an experience like this. And that is the chance for fun, learning and inspiration with others. Not everyone thinks what I'm doing is crazy, some even want to join in for a meal!

I end this day feeling more inspired about my choices and proud both of my own strength and of the love and trust my friends and family are showing. People keep saying to me -I should do something like that, but I just love to eat too much and I don't have the stamina or will power- To that I say nonsense! We all have so much more strength than we know. This year I have learned that the depths of my ability to suffer and then pull myself out of suffering are WAY deeper than I ever imagined.

So I am sending you all great big waves of love and strength to take on your own battles in life. Eyes open, feet planted, and with a belief that we can all heal ourselves, create our own happiness and then maybe even share it with the rest of the world.

1 comment:

R. Duckie said...

yay Ariel, it was a good day, the juice energized me too, and I had weird dreams about my tummy all night...